One of the greatest feelings to experience is when you are able to let go and release. Releasing something or someone, even yourself can be very powerful. Releasing is so liberating and freeing of oneself. I believe releasing cleanses the soul in some way. Whenever you cry, I mean a real good, hard cry, you feel such a relief as if the world has been lifted off your shoulders. If you notice when you make a fist as tight as you can; you can feel the tension in your hand as you do that, but as you open your hand, you feel a release in your hand that relaxes you. I believe the more you release, the more you are choosing to live in the now, to live present and active in this moment. Releasing keeps you current, not looking back, not reaching too far forward; but current and in the moment of NOW. Too many people, too often, look back. It's nothing wrong with looking back, as if to reference or to remember a life lesson. But oftentimes, people stay back; in that place where devastation or something hurtful or harmful took place. It's sad to say, but some people don't know how to move from that place. I believe if you look back, we want to take ownership of what the past is teaching us and accept what is is. Part of releasing is accepting that something happened, how it made you feel, realize it, feel it, examine it, understand it, then accept it. Acceptance is a huge part of releasing. You can't RELEASE it if you never acknowledge that you accept it. You can't release something you have not gotten a hold of. Free yourself!
Everyone knows the story of Hannah (1Sam.17)...if you follow her
path, Hannah was bitter in sorrow because of something she wanted and
didn't have. She lived and moved about her life everyday in agony. Have
you ever wanted something so much and delay was on every side. Hannah
did. Some time later Hannah poured her self out and released the pain
and agony of not having a child. I imagine Hannah stopped looking outside of her situation and feeling betrayed, abandoned, isolated, forgotten and allowed herself to forgive her husband and release her self from any guilt and shame for not being able to give her husband a child. Hannah's agony in her release made such an emotional sign that her tears and agony reached heaven
and God remembered Hannah. God took note of this cry of hers because He
could see it again through the annals of time when Jesus would be in the
garden in pain and agony. Here she's praying for a son to get, then, later
give and it so reminded God that He too had a son that He'd have give in order to
get! He gave His son to get you and I. The bible says God remembered Hannah and her husband knew her
and she became pregnant! It is in the RELEASE of the pain and what
agonizes us, accepting that it is what it is, at this time is when God remembers! It's in the power of Release that brings the increase! Go on, Free Yourself!